Sunday, June 3, 2012

First steps towards making decals

I've been playing with Photoshop and InDesign to put together a page of decals printed on my laser printer. Those that know tell me that the toner has iron in it, and if I put the decals on glaze, or even underglaze then I'll get a print. The technique is from the DVD by the rather dishy Justin Rothshank called Ceramic Decals, New Ideas and Techniques.

I bought the laser printer decals on Ebay from a very helpful Chinese saleswoman called Carmen. I'll put you in contact with her if you're interested. They work out to be just over  $1.00 an A4 sheet - much cheaper than any Australian decal seller.

This is the first decal I've made with my laser printer. The bigger clowns are for plates, and the small ones for brooches, maybe cups. I hope there is enough depth of colour for the detail to show once they are fired, as they are a bit light in places. All experimental at this stage.


Anna said...

wow, I'm very interested to see how they turn out. Might message you on Fb

Sadhana said...

Great !
Look forward to seeing the finished work :)

Anonymous said...

Great Ellen - Cant wait to see results

Brenda said...

I recently attended a small workshop by a local artist Cathy Terepocki. You can find her here. I love the idea of decals and since that class, I've been obsessed by them. So much so that I too, bought myself a laser printer and the transfer sheets, decal paper and all the goop I need to do screen printing. I didn't however, buy the screens, but instead went with a different product called EZ Screen Print. This after I purchased the DVD by Paul Wandless. I haven't tried either method yet so I'm dying to see how they worked for you! I'll be following up! Good luck withe decals!

Ellen Appleby said...

Thanks Brenda - I have the book by Paul and often use it for ideas and techniques. Is EZ print like Gocco? I'll get onto glazing some pots for the decals when I get back from Samoa - 2 weeks in the sun, I can't wait!

Jan said...

Hi Ellen, I have just bought some decals on line but would like to print my own. Would you be so kind as to let me know who that supplier is for the laser decal paper is in China. Thanks Jan

Jan said...

Hi Ellen, I have just bought some decals on line but would really like to print my own designs. Could you pls let me know who the supplier is in China for the laser decal paper that you refer to in this post. Thanks heaps. Jan :)

Unknown said...

Custom decals always have been used to give a specific message and communicate silently with audience. Use of custom decals is increasing for marketing and promotion widely in business.