Friday, July 1, 2011

Boxed vases

I have been asked recently about the boxed work I sell in the galleries around Noosa and to friends. People really like the bit of ceramic on the box lid.

I also make some little bowls that fit into a square box, and a pair of dipping bowls that fit into a longer flatter rectangular box.

It is best to keep them as light as possible as tourists like to be able to safely fit them into a suitcase.

I have to buy the boxes in bulk from The Packaging Place in Maroochydore, Qld, but there are bigger box suppliers in any capital city.


Anna said...

Very nice. The piece on the outside is like a taster for the inside :^)
I did a similar exercise to the one you said you did at TAFE - might post a photo of it on my blog later. Finding boxes for a reasonable price would be the thing I guess.

Ellen Appleby said...

I'd love to see it Anna.